I want to share a Scripture or prayer each day for the 10 Days to help us focus and seek the Lord together. Let’s start with this wonderful prayer which we can pray from Psalm 139:2-3 (NASB):”Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.”
One of the goals of 10 Days is for God’s people to humble themselves and pray. So this prayer is a great starting point for us. I also love how the New Living translates verse 24, “point out anything in me that offends you”.
Can you pray this today? Think of all that is going on in our world between the presidential race, racial injustice and COVID-19. Is your heart in all of this to be humble or to be right? To learn how and why other people think or to put forth your position (which we all think in our own hearts is right!). The point of 10 Days is to humble yourself. It is our natural inclination to say what we think and to think we are correct.
It is possible to be right and to have a wrong heart!
Wanting to be right is usually mixed with our pride. Pride is something that God opposes. Championing what you think and looking down on those who disagree is the spirit of the age today. Let’s take time to honestly humble ourselves before the Lord, to ask Him to search us, to lead us in the everlasting way of Christ our Lord, the way of humility.
Please read as a prayer the Scripture above. Father, please help us to have the humility to allow you to point out anything in us that offends you. Anything! Give us the heart to get beyond always wanting to be right and rather desiring to be humble like Your Son, our Lord. Thank you, Jesus, that even when You were being falsely accused you did not feel the need to defend yourself. Please make me more like You today.
I love you all!