Psalm 64 Meditation

Psalm 64 Meditation

Today’s Psalms are 65 and 66 if you are doing the daily reading (May 29, 2020).  We have been at this for a month now, and already we are over a third of the way through the Psalms.  I hope you are getting fresh inspiration in your reading and reflection.

Are you writing down points that speak to you?  Two themes that I have found are first, joy and gladness in the Lord, and, second, that God is a refuge and strength for His people.  I have found 28 of the Psalms as of yesterday mention joy or delighting and rejoicing in the Lord.  God wants to be our source of joy!  He also wants to be a place of safety and rest and refreshment for us. (I didn’t count how many chapters mentioned this, but it is a lot.)

This is summed up in a verse from last night:  “The righteous man will be glad in the LORD and will take refuge in Him.” (Psalm 64:10, NASB)  The context is that David is oppressed by his enemies and complains to the Lord about it, but declares by faith that the Lord will protect him and defeat them: “God will shoot at them with an arrow…” (64:7a)  No matter how hard things get for David, he never abandons his faith in his Lord.

This kind of faith produces joy.  This kind of perseverance results in gaining new strength and finding protection in our heavenly Father.  When we live this way it inspires others and is a light and a help to them: “all the upright in heart will glory” (64:10b)  Yes, I am inspired by seeing how many of you cling to the Lord and live by faith.

So let’s keep pressing on!